The place I made my first film just burned to the ground

The place I made my first film just burned to the ground

Yesterday, the place where I made my first film burned to the ground. It was 2015 and, fresh out of my masters degree, I had begun fumbling my way into documentary

Learning to listen and listening to learn

Learning to listen and listening to learn

Catherine Cavallo Articles, Feature ArticlesSeptember 18, 2024 Catherine CavalloSeptember 18, 2024 I’m walking down into a gully on the lands of the Dja Dja Wurrung. It is a misty morning,

In the Mallee

In the Mallee Chris McCormack takes us on a journey through the mallee landscape to discover one of Australia's most unique birds: the Malleefowl. Remember The Wild are working with the National

The Plains-Wanderer

The Plains-Wanderer

The Plains-Wanderer A film by REMEMBER THE WILD The Plains-Wanderer A film by REMEMBER THE WILD Remember The Wild presents: The Plains-Wanderer.This bird is among the world's most endangered

‘Eucalypt’ – A documentary series

‘Eucalypt’ – A documentary series

EUCALYPT A film series by REMEMBER THE WILD EUCALYPT A film series by REMEMBER THE WILD Whether in the ponderous form of a River Red Gum or the towering

About the People and Nature Podcast

About the People and Nature Podcast

In this episode we get to know our host, Chris, and learn about the aims of the People and Nature Podcast.

The underwater punk straight out of the realm of science fiction

The underwater punk straight out of the realm of science fiction

In this final episode of Look at Me, we dive into the ocean’s to discover a creature that is perhaps the most bizarre animal Rae has ever seen. This dazzling

The scientist who dedicated her life to the mysterious springtail

The scientist who dedicated her life to the mysterious springtail

In the 1950s Dr Penelope Greenslade became one of the few women to study at Cambridge University. She then travelled to Solomon Islands where her love affair with the springtail

The tenacious bird abandoning its young in a giant thermal mound

The tenacious bird abandoning its young in a giant thermal mound

In some of the most harsh habitat in Australia, you’ll find what looks like giant piles of dirt. But dig deeper and you’ll find the eggs of the malleefowl, buried

The weird, wonderful and ultimately exhausting life of the antechinus

The weird, wonderful and ultimately exhausting life of the antechinus

This marsupial mouse enters its first mating season with a thirty-fold increase in testosterone. It copulates at a frenetic rate, only to collapse afterwards, dying from its exertions. But now

The place I made my first film just burned to the ground

The place I made my first film just burned to the ground

Yesterday, the place where I made my first film burned to the ground. It was 2015 and, fresh out of my masters degree, I had begun fumbling my way into documentary

Learning to listen and listening to learn

Learning to listen and listening to learn

Catherine Cavallo Articles, Feature ArticlesSeptember 18, 2024 Catherine CavalloSeptember 18, 2024 I’m walking down into a gully on the lands of the Dja Dja Wurrung. It is a misty morning,

Of bird nests and bench grinders

Of bird nests and bench grinders

She and her mate are bush songsters. Their melodious whistling reverberates among the eucalypts each morning and reminds me, as I lie in bed, that I have come home….

A glimpse into the past

A glimpse into the past

When useful works of art are identified and verified, they can be invaluable tools for environmental rehabilitation…

Eucalypt mythbusting: a comprehensive guide

Eucalypt mythbusting: a comprehensive guide

Misconceptions about eucalypts abound. They seem to be as widespread and diverse as the eucalypts themselves…

In the Mallee

In the Mallee Chris McCormack takes us on a journey through the mallee landscape to discover one of Australia's most unique birds: the Malleefowl. Remember The Wild are working with the National

The Plains-Wanderer

The Plains-Wanderer

The Plains-Wanderer A film by REMEMBER THE WILD The Plains-Wanderer A film by REMEMBER THE WILD Remember The Wild presents: The Plains-Wanderer.This bird is among the world's most endangered

‘Eucalypt’ – A documentary series

‘Eucalypt’ – A documentary series

EUCALYPT A film series by REMEMBER THE WILD EUCALYPT A film series by REMEMBER THE WILD Whether in the ponderous form of a River Red Gum or the towering

About the People and Nature Podcast

About the People and Nature Podcast

In this episode we get to know our host, Chris, and learn about the aims of the People and Nature Podcast.

The underwater punk straight out of the realm of science fiction

The underwater punk straight out of the realm of science fiction

In this final episode of Look at Me, we dive into the ocean’s to discover a creature that is perhaps the most bizarre animal Rae has ever seen. This dazzling

The scientist who dedicated her life to the mysterious springtail

The scientist who dedicated her life to the mysterious springtail

In the 1950s Dr Penelope Greenslade became one of the few women to study at Cambridge University. She then travelled to Solomon Islands where her love affair with the springtail

The tenacious bird abandoning its young in a giant thermal mound

The tenacious bird abandoning its young in a giant thermal mound

In some of the most harsh habitat in Australia, you’ll find what looks like giant piles of dirt. But dig deeper and you’ll find the eggs of the malleefowl, buried

The weird, wonderful and ultimately exhausting life of the antechinus

The weird, wonderful and ultimately exhausting life of the antechinus

This marsupial mouse enters its first mating season with a thirty-fold increase in testosterone. It copulates at a frenetic rate, only to collapse afterwards, dying from its exertions. But now

The gym junkie of the sky

The gym junkie of the sky

Imagine flying thousands of kilometres to avoid getting cold. Meet the bird that starts its migration journey at a Siberian bush doof and ends up on the mudflats of eastern

The ants keeping an endangered butterfly alive

The ants keeping an endangered butterfly alive

Imagine outsourcing childcare to a nest of ants? This may not be the best idea for humans but a certain insect is making it work. Now the Eltham copper butterfly’s

Introducing Look at Me season 2

Introducing Look at Me season 2

When it comes to Australian native animals, everyone thinks about koalas and kangaroos and drop bears and wombats. But what about the creepy ones? What about the niche ones? The

Our rare tiny marsupial, hanging on in the mountains

Our rare tiny marsupial, hanging on in the mountains

When we think of the effects of climate change it’s easy to focus on rising sea levels – but what about the changes happening much higher up? At Mount Hotham

The 3-metre worm you will never have seen

The 3-metre worm you will never have seen

Eastern Victoria is home to a strange creature that few have seen and even fewer have researched. You may be able to hear its gurgles under the ground but the

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