The underwater punk straight out of the realm of science fiction

The underwater punk straight out of the realm of science fiction

In this final episode of Look at Me, we dive into the ocean’s to discover a creature that is perhaps the most bizarre animal Rae has ever seen. This dazzling group of sea slugs adapts to its dynamic environment using colourful headdresses, stinging cells and lungs that can exist outside the body. Little is still known about the nudibranch but we meet the researcher and the citizen scientist wading though the tidal zones to find out more

Photograph: F1online digitale Bildagentur GmbH/Alamy

In this final episode of Look at Me, we dive into the ocean’s to discover a creature that is perhaps the most bizarre animal Rae has ever seen. This dazzling group of sea slugs adapts to its dynamic environment using colourful headdresses, stinging cells and lungs that can exist outside the body. Little is still known about the nudibranch but we meet the researcher and the citizen scientist wading though the tidal zones to find out more

Photograph: F1online digitale Bildagentur GmbH/Alamy

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