The tenacious bird abandoning its young in a giant thermal mound

The tenacious bird abandoning its young in a giant thermal mound

In some of the most harsh habitat in Australia, you’ll find what looks like giant piles of dirt. But dig deeper and you’ll find the eggs of the malleefowl, buried in leaf litter and sand at the exact depth needed to keep them warm until they hatch and are left to fend for themselves, newborn birds fighting to survive.

 Photograph: Peter Fakler/Alamy

In some of the most harsh habitat in Australia, you’ll find what looks like giant piles of dirt. But dig deeper and you’ll find the eggs of the malleefowl, buried in leaf litter and sand at the exact depth needed to keep them warm until they hatch and are left to fend for themselves, newborn birds fighting to survive.

 Photograph: Peter Fakler/Alamy

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