Join our ecosystem

Become a Friend of The Wild!

With your support, you can be part of a movement to change how people value and appreciate our living world!

Join our ecosystem

Become a Friend of The Wild!

With your support, you can be part of a movement to change how people value and appreciate our living world!

Choose your Ecosystem Identity

Calling for support

Like a New Holland Honeyeater, you’re an active and vocal member of our ecosystem. You’re all about sharing our work and creating new relationships. As a pollinator, you’re committed to helping seed new supporters!

Eating it up

You’re here to enjoy the fruits of our work – you’re as free and fanciful as a Sugar Glider. You like what we produce and want more of what you’ve devoured! You might even inadvertently share a few of these morsels with others!

Sharing is caring

You like what we produce and enjoy digesting it down to every detail. What’s more, is that like a Pixie’s Parasol Mushroom, you love sharing our work with others in an intricate web of marvellous connections.

Roots strong & deep

You’re a provider, and a protector at that, offering shelter to many. Like a mighty Mountain Ash you nourish our ecosystem on a grand scale, and through your support help us to protect others.

Choose your Ecosystem Identity


Like a New Holland Honeyeater, you’re an active and vocal member of our ecosystem. You’re all about sharing our work and creating new relationships. As a pollinator, you’re committed to helping seed new supporters!

You’re here to enjoy the fruits of our work – you’re as free and fanciful as a Sugar Glider. You like what we produce and want more of what you’ve devoured! You might even inadvertently share a few of these morsels with others!

You like what we produce and enjoy digesting it down to every detail. What’s more, is that like a Pixie’s Parasol Mushroom, you love sharing our work with others in an intricate web of marvellous connections.

You’re a provider, and a protector at that, offering shelter to many. Like a mighty Mountain Ash you nourish our ecosystem on a grand scale, and through your support help us to protect others.

Or make a one-off donation

Or make a one-off donation

Make a one-off donation

Inspire more people to act for nature

Remember The Wild is Australia’s foremost nature connection charity

Help others remember the wild. Be it far from home or in our own backyards, outdoors, indoors, online, or on the mind – our relationship with nature has never been more important. By making a donation you can help awaken people’s love for nature our own backyards, outdoors, indoors, online, or on the mind – our relationship with nature has never been more important. Help create new nature connections that can lead to positive change for nature!