Searching for Australia’s most elusive marsupial

If you’ve ever travelled to an Australian desert, you may have been in the presence of one of Australia’s most elusive marsupials. The Anangu people call it the itjaritjari but it is more commonly known as the marsupial mole – even though it is not actually a mole. Living entirely underground, this eye-less creature with […]
The mind-blowing life of the gateway bee

When you think about bees you probably thinking about honey, hives and yellow and black stripes, but these traits aren’t present in the majority of Australian bees. The bee you usually think of is the European honey bee. Yet Australia actually has more than 2,000 species of natives bees. In this episode of Look at Me we […]
Number one on death row: saving the phantom of the plains

In episode two of Guardian Australia’s Look at Me podcast, we head to the south eastern plains of Australia – home to one of the rarest birds in the world, the plains-wanderer. Its habitat has been decimated by agriculture, but now some farmers are putting the bird’s survival before profit and becoming key figures in […]
The amazing life and death of the ocean’s greatest camouflage expert – Look at Me podcast

Once a year in freezing cold winter waters, a gathering happens off the coast of South Australia. Hundreds of thousands of giant cuttlefish come to mate but this natural wonder comes at a great cost. In this episode of Guardian Australia’s new podcast, we learn a lesson on life and death from these amazing cephalopods […]
What is Look at me?

Forget the kangaroo and koala. Our new podcast dives deep into the world of Australian animals, looking beyond the old favourites to the most unusual, rare and fascinating wildlife found down under. Join host Benjamin Law as he learns about their amazing lives and hears from people who have formed a special connection to these animals.