Christopher McCormack

The place I made my first film just burned to the ground

Yesterday, the place where I made my first film burned to the ground.   It was 2015 and, fresh out of my masters degree, I had begun fumbling my way into documentary filmmaking. I had the “wrong” camera and was going about it the “wrong” way, but I was having

Christopher McCormack

In the Mallee

Chris McCormack takes us on a journey through the mallee landscape to discover one of Australia’s most unique birds: the Malleefowl. Remember The Wild are working with the National Malleefowl Recovery Group to create a feature-length documentary about this amazing bird. (Please note that this video was filmed on private

Illustration in teal of a shrike thrush with its young in their nest
Christopher McCormack

Of bird nests and bench grinders

She and her mate are bush songsters. Their melodious whistling reverberates among the eucalypts each morning and reminds me, as I lie in bed, that I have come home….
